Version 2.0.8 of the HELIOS software provides a valuable mix of new features, algorithmic changes and stability improvements.

The addition of a 2D data viewer now allows a quick analysis of the input data and inversion results without having to export and import volumes into a third party visualisation software. The new multi-location modelling module gives users the functionality to create linear and elastic 1.5D synthetics for an arbitrary number  of locations on  a 2D or 3D subsurface model. We then can replace a part of the subsurface model with a non-scattering low-frequency model while the potential impact of the shallow on deeper targets can thereby be simulated and analysed in a laterally varying environment rather than at a single location. 

While wave-equation based synthetic modelling is intrinsically performed in the ray
parameter domain, we have added the option to directly convert the rayparameter gathers to offset or angle gathers. This provides a familiar domain for our users to undertake analysis of the elastic wave-propagation effects.

A major highlight of the latest release is the 
efficient memory implementation in our proprietary WEB modelling engine. This is a core aspect of the algorithm used throughout HELIOS and impacts synthetics, IMI displays and inversion. The memory requirements have been reduced by up to 95% and the algorithm runs over 20% faster. This continues the journey to make HELIOS even more accessible and gives our users scope to consider longer time and depth intervals without restrictions.

New features

  • Multi-location synthetic modelling
  • Data viewer update to 2D Data Viewer
  • Horizon and well marker displays
  • Conversion of ray-parameter synthetics to offset or angle gathers
  • Extension of domain conversions (offset, angle, ray-parameter)
  • Option to use RMS velocities as input to domain conversion
  • Multi-file SEGY import
  • Multi-file LAS import
  • Option to display vertical depth axis in feet or meters
  • Reflectivity plot added to synthetic modelling module
  • Option to interactively change difference plot in synthetic modelling
  • Wavelets sampling has been enhanced to allow 3ms sampling
  • Statistical wavelet extraction over target interval

Algorithm changes

  • Efficient memory implementation of WEB modelling engine

Stability improvements

  • Resolved a problem when using a 2ms sampled wavelet
  • Enhanced the user interface
  • Improved the robustness of time-depth import functionality
  • Resolved a problem that occurred when using inverse distance wavelet interpolation