At Delft Inversion we provide the full range of geophysical services that is required to come up with the best possible quantitative understanding of the subsurface. Since each subsurface project is unique we have an open-minded and collaborative culture to ensure that our team and our tools can be of most value to your specific case. We favour a modular approach with clear checkpoints. It is our belief that this business model will be beneficial not only to our clients but also to Delft Inversion and we will gladly provide you with a customised project proposal. Just get in touch to discuss your current QI challenge.

synthetic modelling
- wave-equation based generation of synthetic data
- simulation of multiples, mode conversions and transmission effects
- quantification of overburden impact on reservoir response

rock physics modelling
- sensitivity analysis
- fluid replacement
- rock-physics templates
- depth trends

seismic-to-well ties
- calibration of overburden effects
- wave-equation consistent wavelet extraction

low frequency model building
- horizon steered interpolation of well logs
- depth trend based model building

quantitative interpretation
- lithology classification
- calculation of porosity and saturation volumes
- reserve estimation
- detection of fluid contacts
- residual gas discrimination

WEB-AVO inversion
- wave-equation based AVO inversion
- proper handling of multiples, mode conversion and transmission effects
- direct inversion for compressibility, shear compliance and density
- simultaneous inversion of time-lapse datasets
- simultaneous inversion of PP/PS datasets

data preconditioning
- AVO preservation
- proprietary S/N enhancement
- structure preserving filtering
- linear noise removal
- amplitude balancing
- residual moveout correction
- spectral shaping